A primary interest of mine is the study of cultural idioms of distress, most notably ataques de nervios (or nervous attacks). Growing up, I witnessed family members having ataques and to see them in such a painful state left an indelible impression on me. Here is a sampling of the work I have done in this area:
Lewis-Fernández, R., & López, I. (2016). Ataques de Nervios. In B. A. Sharpless (Ed.). Unusual and Rare Psychological Disorders: A Handout for Clinical Practice and Research. Oxford University Press.
López, I & *Ho., A. (2013). Culture-bound or culturally salient? Unbinding the culture-bound syndromes. In K. Keith (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Wiley Blackwell Publishers.
López, I., Ramirez, R., Guarnaccia, P., Canino, G., & Bird, H. (2011). Ataques de nervios and somatic complaints among Island and Mainland Puerto Rican children. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 17, (3), 158-166. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-5949.2010.00137.x
López, I., Rivera, F., Ramirez, R. Guarnaccia, P., Canino, G. & Bird, H. (2009). Ataques de nervios and their psychiatric correlates in Puerto Rican children from two different contexts. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, iii-x, 12,923-929. doi:10.1097/NMD.0b013e3181c2997d
López, I & *Ho., A. (2013). Culture-bound or culturally salient? Unbinding the culture-bound syndromes. In K. Keith (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Wiley Blackwell Publishers.
López, I., Ramirez, R., Guarnaccia, P., Canino, G., & Bird, H. (2011). Ataques de nervios and somatic complaints among Island and Mainland Puerto Rican children. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 17, (3), 158-166. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-5949.2010.00137.x
López, I., Rivera, F., Ramirez, R. Guarnaccia, P., Canino, G. & Bird, H. (2009). Ataques de nervios and their psychiatric correlates in Puerto Rican children from two different contexts. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, iii-x, 12,923-929. doi:10.1097/NMD.0b013e3181c2997d
Presentations & PostersHere I am giving a presentation on the experience of ataques among Puerto Rican children.
Symposium on Latino Youth López, I., Rodriguez, E. M., *Malkoff, A., Ramirez, R., Caraballo, D. & Canino, G. (2016, Nov). What predicts an ataque de nervio? Preliminary results of a longitudinal study with Puerto Rican Children. Presentation at the National Latino Psychological Association, Orlando, FL. López, I., Rodriguez, E. M., & Ramirez, R. (2014, Oct). Neither here nor there: Boundary violations in the study of ataques de nervios. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference of the National Latino Psychological Association. Albuquerque, New Mexico. López, I., Ramirez, R., Canino, G. C., & Bird, H. (2013, Aug.) Predicting ataques de nervios among Puerto Rican Children – Or how the past predicts the future. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii. López, I., Ramirez, R., Canino, G. C., & Bird, H. (2011, Nov.) What predicts an ataque de nervios among Puerto Rican children? Poster presented at the Critical Research Issues in Latino Mental Health Conference, Miami, Florida. López, I. & *Prado-Steiman, M. (2010, Nov.). Se pone nerviosa - Maternal ataques de nervios across two different sites. Roundtable discussion presented at the National Latina/o Psychological Association Biennial Conference, San Antonio, TX. López, I. & Prado-Steiman*, M. (2010, Sept.). Understanding Ataques de Nervios: Grief and Rage in the Body. Workshop presented for continuing education credits for the Multiethnic Advocates for Cultural Competence Conference: The Cultural Mosaic of Latinos in Ohio, Care, Commitment and Competence: Featuring the Latino Cultures. Columbus, OH. López, I., Rivera, F., Ramirez, R., Guarnaccia, P., Canino, G., & Bird, H. Ataques de nervios and psychopathology in Puerto Rican children from two different contexts. In I. López (Chair) Psychological assessment and needs assessment of minority children (2009, Sept). Paper presented at the Second World Association of Cultural Psychiatry, Norcia, Italy. López, I., *Ruskin, D. Ramirez, R., Guarnaccia, P., Canino, G., & Bird, H. (2009, Mar.). Ataques de nervios in Puerto Rican children and its association to physical symptomatology. Poster presented at the Anxiety Disorders Association of America Conference: Anxiety and Health: Translating Research Into Practice, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico. Varela, R. Silverman, W., Ollendick, T. H., & López, I. (2008, Nov.). Ataques de nervios in Puerto Rican children. In T.H. Ollendick (Chair) Anxiety in Latino youth: Prevalence, expression, and socio-cultural influences. Symposium presented at the 42nd annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, Florida. López, I., *Ruskin, D., Ramirez, R., Guarnaccia, P., Canino, G., & Bird, H. (2008, June). The association of atatques de nervios and asthma among Puerto Rican youth. Poster presented at the annual NIMH sponsored Family Research Consortium Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. López, I., Rivera, F., Ramirez, R., Guarnaccia, P., Canino, G., & Bird, H. (2006, July). The experience of ataques de nervios in Puerto Rican children. Poster presented at the annual NIMH sponsored Family Research Consortium Conference. Spokane, Washington. López, I., Rivera, F., Bagchi, A., Guarnaccia, P., Canino, G., & Bird, H. (2005, Nov.). Ataques de nervios in Puerto Rican mainland and island children. Poster presented at the annual NIMH conference of Critical Research Issues in Latino Mental Health: Mental Disorders among Latinos: Biological and psychosocial influences on diagnosis and treatment. Princeton, New Jersey. |