As a light skinned Latina I have always been very interested in the issue of skin color. Skin color is an often divisive issue in communities of color (as the posters above clearly illustrate). My work has looked at the psychological factors associated with racial appearance and has recently expanded into issues related to skin bleaching. Below is an example of some of my work.
López, I., *Walker H. M., L., & *Yildiz Spinel, M. (2015). Understanding the association between phenotype and ethnic identity. In C. E. Santos & A. Umaña-Taylor (Eds.). Studying Ethnic Identity: Methodological and Conceptual Approaches Across Disciplines. (pp. 119-148). Washington, D. C: American Psychical Association.
López I, *Gonzalez, A.N., & *Ho, A. (2012). Skin Color. In T. F. Cash (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance, Vol 2. (pp. 730–737). San Diego: Academic Press.
López, I., *Ho, A., & *Gonzalez, A. (2011) The worldwide epidemic of skin bleaching: Its prevalence, predictors and associated problems. The Ohio Psychologist. 28-30.
López, I. R. (2008). Puerto Rican phenotype: Understanding its historical underpinnings and psychological associations. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 30, (2), 161-180. DOI: 10.1177/0739986307313116.
López, I. R. (2008). “But you don’t look Puerto Rican”: The buffering effects of ethnic identity on the relation between skin color and self-esteem among Puerto Rican women. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 14, (2), 10.
López I, *Gonzalez, A.N., & *Ho, A. (2012). Skin Color. In T. F. Cash (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance, Vol 2. (pp. 730–737). San Diego: Academic Press.
López, I., *Ho, A., & *Gonzalez, A. (2011) The worldwide epidemic of skin bleaching: Its prevalence, predictors and associated problems. The Ohio Psychologist. 28-30.
López, I. R. (2008). Puerto Rican phenotype: Understanding its historical underpinnings and psychological associations. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 30, (2), 161-180. DOI: 10.1177/0739986307313116.
López, I. R. (2008). “But you don’t look Puerto Rican”: The buffering effects of ethnic identity on the relation between skin color and self-esteem among Puerto Rican women. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 14, (2), 10.